

"Tossin' and Turnin'" - Bobby Lewis, 1961

 When I discovered I would be analyzing 1961's "Tossin' and Turnin'" by Bobby Lewis, I drew a blank.  I searched up the YouTube video and listened to an unfamiliar rhythm and blues intro set the stage for what sounded like a classic 60's doowop concoction.  Then an infamous line busts down the door of familiarity: "I couldn't sleep at all last night."

I had indeed heard this song before, and I'm willing to bet whomever reading this has as well.  The catchy number appears in "Animal House (1978)" and "American Graffiti (1973)" and is the fourth longest running no.1 song from the entire 1960's.  Bobby Lewis, unfortunately, died this past spring (April 2020) at the age of 95. [1]

As I dug into this one, I noticed the fine craftsmanship and noted it likely influence on many songs that followed.  There is nothing harmonically groundbreaking, but you certainly find traces of core elements in other no.1 hit songs: predictable musical elements with a few twists and turns sprinkled with a personal touch of style.  Finding similar musical attributes in songs decades apart is thought provoking and the main impetus for this project!

July 10 - August 21st, 1961: "Tossin' and Turnin'" by Bobby Lewis goes on a 7 week spree at no.1!

I love older songs because many have a form not too far removed from blues and jazz.  We definitely find that here, but again, with a little twist.  The intro is a free, rubato section that lasts 4 measures.  Then, two additional measures act as pickups to the verse.  Each verse is really just a 12 bar modified blues progression.

The first bridge is essentially an 8 bar section with, once again, an extra 2 bars that act as a pickup back into the verse.  The second bridge is also an 8 bar section, but with different changes as the other vocal bridge.  The outro section is a tag of the refrain, or repeated vocal line from each verse ("tossin and turnin', turnin' and tossin', a tossin' and turnin' all night").

The whole tune plays out in a predictable way, two similar sections (A), a different part (B), then a return to the first part (A).  A bridge (C), in this case a horn soli, breaks up the return to the different part (B), followed by a repeat of the main part (A).  The extra two measures that create space are those added wrinkles that elevate this one to a special place.

Chord Progressions 

In sticking with a theme, "Tossin' and Turnin'" uses basic changes that contain a few wrinkles to make it stand out.  The intro puts us in the key of C with a rubato like section.  The last two measures of G set up the verse:

C  / Amin  /  F  / G  /  G  /  G
I  /  vi        / IV  / V  / V   / V

The 12 bar verse is a blues variation:

C  F7  /  C   /  C  F7  /  C  /  G7  /  G7  /  C  /  F7  /  C   / F7  /  C  F7  / C
I   IV  /  I    /   I   IV /  I   /  V    /   V    /  I   /  IV  /  I     / IV   /  I  IV  /  I

While these chord qualities represent the basic gist, the guitar part adds some interesting color into the mix during the verse.  Take a look at the verse changes between the guitar and bass:

Verse - guitar and bass

The guitar is adding a D# or Eb note, the #9 or minor 3rd, a common tension added to C7 in a blues setting.  We get the same tension, briefly, on a G7 to create a G7b13 sound.  Again, the chords are basically dominant 7 chords, and in many live versions, that's all you get.  These little additions on the studio recording do stand out and give it a unique vibe.

The vocal bridge (B1) includes some unison hits from the band, creating a call and response between the vocals.  The chords in this bridge play out to be:

F7  /  F7 / C  /  C  /  F7  / F7 /  D7  / G7  / G7 / G7
IV /  IV /  I   / I    /  IV  / IV /  II    / V     / V   / V

As in the intro, the last two bars of G bring us back to the verse.  I do especially like the dominant II chord, or V/V to get to the G7 chord.  The band plays a slick chromatic run to get there that adds just enough spice to keep this section from becoming too repetitious.  

The second bridge contains a horn soli and another variation on the changes:

C  / C  /  C /  C  / G7 / G7 / C F7 / C
I  / I   /   I  /   I  /  V   / V   / I  IV / C 

The outro tags the second half of the verse changes to finish out the song with a fade.  While these changes are simply and primarily built on 4 chords, they are mixed up in 4 different variations!  We have seen many songs that use the same progression with no variation.  This is a cool twist on basic changes.  


Bobby Lewis is a great singer.  This song presents a defined style that he showcases in the verses and bridges with nuanced variation, an observed quality in many songs that reach no.1.  The intro starts freely, presenting us with some melodic patterns we will see later on - leaps of 3rds, repeated notes, phrases beginning on beat 2 and "simple" quarter-eighth note syncopation: 


The verse plows in with a horn lick, followed by that familiar line.  In a vacuum, the opening line here is somewhat deceptive, indicating C major over a G7 chord.  When you're not expecting it, it somes off temporarily "wrong," until the rhythm section drops the C chord.

verse 1 - pickups and meas. 1-6

 Bobby has a style where he slurs down or up to a chord tone in his delivery.  It creates this smooth and slippery sound.  The background singers add a whole other elements as they follow the chord tones and answer Mr. Lewis in contrasting timbre.  Heading into the next 6 measures, we get the refrain, which repeats in each verse, as well as in the tagged outro.

Verse 1 - meas. 7-12

The interplay between Bobby Lewis and the background singers is rhythmically contrasting.  The ladies keep their phrases straight, using mostly quarter and half notes.  Bobby throws in some slight syncopation over the top to create a cool overlapping texture.  Once again we hear slides up and down to chord tones.

Moving to verse 2, there are few variations to the melody.  The background singers repeat verbatim, but Bobby changes a few things up to keep it interesting:
Verse 2
Once again, we hear a pickup that repeats a C note, this time sounding much more natural, now that we know where it's headed.  In the fourth measure, above, he repeats a high C, a different choice from that same spot in the first verse (low C arpeggio).  In the refrain, he switches around his melody, going higher to E on "turnin' and tossin'" as opposed to "tossin' and turnin'" in the first verse.....  He will continue to add in little nuances in the third verses as well.

So far, the verse melody has been constructed with mostly repeated chord tones.  The ends of phrases usually resolve stepwise to chord tones, but there are many leaps of thirds throughout this melody, a departure from all the 2nds we have seen so far in this round.  

Instead of call and response with the background singers, the first bridge features a call and response between the band and Bobby Lewis.  The rhythm section kicks things off with a new syncopation and a series of diatonic ascending lines through the changes.
Bridge 1 - pickup and meas. 1-6

Melodically, we get more repeated chord tones with lots of leaps from C-A and even the odd leap from A - D in measures 1 and 5 over the F chord (3rd - 6th).  This continues in the last 4 measures of the 10 measure bridge.  Again, we get more repeated chord tones on the shared D.  The rhythm section takes the spotlight in the 9th measure, leading to the familiar pickup into verse 3, just like the intro:

Bridge 1 - meas.7-10 leading to verse 3

The second bridge features a horn soli, in octaves between saxophone and trumpet.  They play with 16th note triplet ornaments approaching Bb, a definitive shift to a C7 sound during this section:
Bridge 2 - Horn Soli

This part combines a few elements we have see already in the tune.  There are chord arpeggios, as heard in the verse pickup measures.  We hear repetition of 3 notes, a developed variation on the repeated notes from the verse.  We also hear ascending lines to the chords, influenced from the first bridge.  This part does its job and breaks up the vocal sections of the tune, giving the listener a breather as we go into the final stretch.  

The lyrical sensibility of the 60's is very different from today.  Though the lyrics are simple and straightforward, they have a certain charm.  Perhaps it's because they come from a genuine place and haven't been rehashed 100 times to make them feel cheesy or redundant.  

He sets up the tune perfectly with the premise: "I couldn't sleep at all last night, just a-thinking of you."  Moving on, he gets the most mileage out of the title, twisting it all around, lyrically tossing and turning with the words.

In verse 2, he paints the picture a little clearer, struggling with his pillow and blankets.  In the bridge, he finally breaks and gets out of bed, a scenario we can all relate with.  Here, he cycles through getting out of bed, turning on the light and going to the kitchen for a bite.  He then goes back to bed and turns off the light, reminding us "it was the middle of the night."  There is also a whole sequence with pulling down the shade...I'm not sure why you would pull down the shade in the middle of the night and then pull it up when you returned to bed in the middle of the night....

The third verse is a window into the past.  Still unable to sleep, he hears the clock strike four (am) as well as the milkman at the door.  How many people have a grandmother who still gets milk delivered?  What a cool detail that hearkens back to olden times.

Common Threads
What musical elements do no.1 songs across decades have in common?  So far in this round, "on the 1's," I have analyzed the no.1 song during the first week of August from 2011, 2001, 1991, 1981 and 1971.  Over the course of these analyses, I have compiled a list of elements present in each, adding or subtracting elements as needed.  Picking up from the Bee Gee's 1971 contribution "How Can You Mend A Broken Heart," let's see how "Tossin' and Turnin'" stacks up.

Repetitive Melody -  absolutely.  Repeated chord tones, vocal slurs to chord tones, similar syncopation and call and response between two groups dominate every vocal section of the tune.  

Texture Changes - There are a few.  The element of the background singers in the verse creates a unique texture.  The rhythm section part in the bridge also create another feel.  The horn soli in the second bridge sounds completely different than anything else in the tune.  

Hook that Uses Title of the Song - Check.  It is possible to consider "I couldn't sleep at all last night" as a sort of hook, as it is famously associated with the song.  It only happens once though.....The proper refrain happens four times.

Strong motion of V- I - Every G7 resolves to C

Use of Vocal Harmony - background singers enjoy belting this one out!

- Stepwise Motion Common in Melody - as mentioned, this song uses a lot of 3rds, 4ths and 5ths.  There are certainly 2nds present, but not as prevalent as thirds.  Off the top of my head, this has to be one of the only songs that does not rely on stepwise motion to fill out the melody.....

(- new material at the end)  

Chord Count - 5 - C, F7, G7, D7, Amin - I will count all the C variations as one chord, considering they all serve the same function and have basically the same feel.  At 5 chords, this is only two more than 2011's "Party Rock Anthem," really only one more, considering the Amin only happens in the intro.  I think the inclination is to think songs get more simple as you get more modern, but that is not really the case.  This 1961 classic is pretty simple.

Final Takeaways

This one pleasantly surprised me.  It has lots of elements I like hearing in a song: a hook that repeats often and is easy to sing along with, a fun vocal delivery, background vocals you can shout along with, an instrumental solo and a slightly quirky form.  Way to be Bobby Lewis.

It's not hard to see why this song was so popular in the 60's.  It's catchy and fun.  The lyrics are clever and relatable.  The instrumentation and general presentation are in line with pop music of the day, ideal for dancing.  The melody is nothing groundbreaking but effectively gets the point across in an approachable way.  This one is a classic in every sense of the word.

When I first heard the famous opening line, I immediately knew I knew the tune.  This is one of those songs that has permeated the collective conscious of people within a certain age range.  I'm sure I only knew it from "Animal House," but I would be willing to bet it has appeared in other movies and TV shows.  There are several cover versions, another hallmark of a fine song.  Songwriters Richie Adams and Malou Rene sure struck gold with this hit.  

What do you think of "Tossin' and Turnin'?"  Do you recognize it past the famous opening line, "I couldn't sleep at all last night?"  How do you think it stacks up to more modern no.1 hits?  Leave me a comment!

Up next time:  I am foregoing a round 4 recap due to the small number of data points, only 6 songs.  Instead, I will roll right into round 5, "on the 2's."  Starting with 1962 we will work our way up through the decades to 2012.  That will leave us with another classic....a title  recognize, belonging to a song I couldn't hum a bar to....
August 11-18, 1962, a two week run at no.1: "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do" by Neil Sedaka....stay tuned!  

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